Paper doll chains


When I was little I remember being shown how to make a paper doll family.  It was something reserved especially for those rainy, stuck at home days! It is a craft which I have carried out many times and has come in handy recently! The magic moment of making a chain of paper dolls was when the cutting out of a profile could be unfolded to reveal hands holding each other… all linked together.  The skill was in making sure they weren’t separated or pulled apart as they were opened up to their audience! Then came the opportunity for each dolly to be individually decorated to make it different to the rest. The fun of making choices over styles and colours … if only decision making as an adult was quite so eagerly awaited and enjoyed! Yet the fun thing about these paper dolls was that they never let go of each other.

In a situation where we are all in this together let’s not let go of who we are in our own right and the strength that we can have if we stand together as one.  Let’s keep holding on to each other by sharing and caring and let’s hold on to God and he reaches out to us.

Phillipians 2 v1-2

Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.

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