Paper fan


The marvellous thing about paper is that it can become 3 dimensional.  It can be folded, crafted and re-formed to become something new.  If only I was so easily adaptable!As a kid there was nothing better than being able to create a makeshift fan…a quick fix to a situation that had become over-heated by putting together a few folds.  Also as an adult this has been a valuable skill! The regularity of its concertina shape could bring light relief to those tetchy moments.  By inviting a little breeze into the situation, the overwhelming ‘get-out of the kitchen’ heat was dispersed and order was resumed.  Right now we are in stressful times and the temperature has been raised in family lives, between colleagues and in friendships.  So now is the time to allow the breeze of the Holy Spirit to do a little work at reducing the temperature in tricky moments! Instead fan the flame on those things which can help us ‘grow more’ rather than ‘moan more’!

2 Tim 1 v 6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

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