Paper Dollies/Snowflakes


As a child it came to the colder months and everyone was locked indoors protected from the changing climate and storms outside I remember cutting out snowflakes.  The fascinating thing about them was the fact that each and every single one of these could be folded, cut and crafted to be something truly individual.  The same is reflected in nature when you put a snowflake under a microscope.  The final product of each snowflake is truly individual. 

The journey from the clouds to the ground has formed each one in different ways to create something of beauty in its own right.  As we travel through this time, each with a different journey, a different storm, a different climate so we are being shaped and formed.  The process at times can be painful as parts of our story are being cut into but this is what shapes our existence. In time we can unfold our story. Each part of the pattern which has formed is part of the beauty of what makes us individual. So take time to reflect on your journey and be bold in unfolding and sharing your story. By doing this we can find connection with others and not feel left out in the cold!

Ecclesiasties 3 v1

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the sun.

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